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2024/3/5 16:26:25发布者:成都学为贵雅思培训学校

剑18 Test 3 Passage 3
36 The Vygotsky model of education supports the concept of a mixed-ability class.
原文:The current pedagogical paradigm is arguably that of constructivism.
剑18 Test 2 Passage 1
2 ____ may have been arranged in deep pits inside the circle
原文:Deep pits dating back to that era and located within the circle may have once held a ring of timber posts, according to some scholars.
这道题的答案是timber posts,同学们看,这个答案在题目中做了主语,在原文中却并没有,主被动转换,谓语动词也跟着换了,因为表达的意思不一样了,于是题目中是timber posts may have been arranged,到了原文中就是deep pits...may have once held a ring of timber posts,这样转换,如果你在这方面掌握不熟练,理解起来可能救护有偏差,就找不到正确答案哦。这类同义转换不仅要我们多积累,还要多练,不然的话同学们也是很难看出来哪一个才是正确答案,语法这一块同学们也需要多多复习好,雅思也很喜欢以此方法设置迷惑选择哦,一定要注意!
剑18 Test 3 Passage 1
2 a reference to the various locations where high-rise wooden buildings can be found
原文:Vancouver, Vienna and Brumunddal in Norway are all home to constructed tall, wooden buildings.
题目中的various locations在看到时需要留神,先将初步目标锁定提到了地点的段落,缩小范围;再看原文,此处提到的三座城市都是地点,很有“嫌疑”。那怎么判断它们就是匹配的呢?就需要看题目和原文的其他部分了。题目说where high-rise wooden buildings can be found,原文中用了tall来替代high-rise,用了be home to替换了can be found,其实这和下面要提到的第四种同义替换模式是一样的,等下同学们就会明白。有些题目是需要我们结合多种同义替换类型一起来解答的。因此知晓了这种同义替换,会很帮助同学们节约在这类题上的定位时间,能让你找到疑似的答案段落,不仅帮我们提速,更帮我们提升了准确率哦~
词性这一种呢,刚刚我们在上面已经提到过,像be home to和can be found的转换,这两种看似不一样,其实靠语境理解是完全一样的意思,就是描述上的同义替换。下面这道题也是个比较典型的例子:
剑18 Test 4 Passage 1
5 the need to make a persuasive argument for the financial benefits of green roofs.
原文:For green foors to become the norm for new developments, there needs to be support from public authorities and private investors...To convince investors and developers that installing green roofs is worthwhile, economic arguments are still the most important.
这道题的同义替换地方比较多。首先原文的financial benefits在原文中变成了support from...private investors, investors的说法,需要投资支持,其实和financial benefits就是一个意思了;a persuasive argument和to convince也是一个意思,一个有说服力的论据,就是需要去说服别人的意思;还有一处,是the need和文中there needs to be和the most important,其实这两处都可以说是the need的另一个说法,需要去做什么以及较重要,都是和the need有关的意思,可以对应上。因此,描述转换的同义替换是小助手认为比较难的一种,因为考察起来很综合,不仅对词汇量有要求,对句式、语言理解的要求也比较高,不过同学们不要怕,做得多了,自然就很熟练了,所以边做题边积累才是提高你同义替换识别技巧的王道呀!
重要的:important, significant, seminal weighty, critical, momentous, vital, essential, crucial, indispensable, necessary, key, chief, principal, leading
限制:limit, restrict, confine, narrow, tighten, constrict
集中:focus on, concentrate on, aim, spotlight, be engrossed in, lay/place/put emphasis on, highlight
增长:grow, increase, expand, rise, improve, soar, climb, extend
现代的:contemporary, modern, current, present, recent, latest
相似的:similar, alike, resemble, same, identical, twin
足够的:sufficient, adequate, enough, abundant, ample, plenty of, considerate
表达:expression, statement, announcement, communication, declaration
下降:fall, decline, descend, dive, drop, plunge, sink, decrease, go down, cut
资金:fund, finance, pay for, subsidize, salary, economic, welfare, wage, income, fee
常见的:usual, normal, common, general, habitual, ordinary, regular, routine, typical
不可能的:impossible, out of the question, unachievable, unobtainable, impracticable
忽视:ignore, overlook, neglect, pass over, disregard
改变:change, modify, alter, shift, vary, convert, mutate, reorganize


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